Sports centre scoops a winner with switch to LED

Education Wed, Mar 23, 2016 9:57 AM

A Merseyside sports centre has shown it’s in a league of its own after appointing Barclay LED Solutions to install a new lighting system for its two five-a-side football pitches.

The Harrogate-based LED experts worked closely with Activity for All in Liverpool after it decided that the football pitches would benefit from new, energy efficient lighting, which will reduce carbon emissions by over 8,600 tonnes a year.

Fifteen 160wm high-powered, LED fittings were installed replacing the 20 existing 400W sodium son fittings. This will reduce the sports centre’s energy output by over 16,000 kwh a year.

Activity for All is a multi-sport centre that offers football skills, tennis, baseball, zumba, zumba on ice, boxercise, children’s zumba and street jazz. It works in partnership with JM Education to deliver a range of full-time sports courses and programmes including apprenticeships, traineeships and study programmes and it also provides english and maths equivalents.

John Moulton, owner of Activity for All, said: “We decided to change to LED lighting to get the best modern lighting we could for the football pitches and reduce our energy output and overheads in the long term.

“The new lighting has made a dramatic difference. The pitches are now much brighter and the players and coaches have found it far more beneficial to play under the new lighting system.”

Lisa Francis, sales and marketing manager, Barclay LED Solutions, said: “With LED lighting for sports facilities it’s important to have the correct brightness levels and durability for the sport.

“LEDs are not only effective for lowering energy consumption and reducing overheads, but they produce a much cleaner light, which is better for the players.”