Pupils impressed by new living wall at school

Education Wed, Jul 6, 2016 10:59 AM

Staff, pupils, parents and visitors to Phoenix Primary School in South Bermondsey are being welcomed by the sight of a new LivePanel living wall that features the school’s name written in plants.

Highly visible, the plants used to make the living wall are coming onto full bloom just in time for the summer term.

Living walls are becoming increasingly popular and commonplace, and as the name suggests they feature live plant systems installed on to walls.

Helen Hayes, Deputy Head at Phoenix Primary School says; “We’re delighted to have the living wall up at our early years’ gate. It’s a real focal point as it’s the first thing people see and is a big hit with the children, parents and staff alike. The colours of the wall will change throughout the seasons and it is brilliant for helping our pupils learn about the natural world and changing seasons. Our Local Authority has told us how impressed they are that we had the living wall installed. In fact, we have received such a positive response from everyone that we are considering installing another one.”

Installed by The Plantman – a London based specialist in horticultural systems for workplaces, businesses and events - the living wall delivers a range of environmental benefits on top of looking great, including attracting birds and insects, and helping to improve air quality. Measuring 40 square metres, the wall features a mixed selection of seasonal plants, with the word ‘Phoenix’ highlighted in the red leaves of Heuchera.

Supplied by Mobilane, the LivePanel living wall features 1800 plants and took a week to install during the term break, and ready for the start of the new term. As the school has a shortage of green space, the wall serves an important environmental function.