All change at St Andrews School

Education Thu, Sep 22, 2016 10:32 AM

AV Danzer has delivered new modular shower and changing room facilities for St. Andrews Primary School in Cobham.

The school approached AV Danzer to design a stand-alone facility which could sit adjacent to its swimming pool which is located at the side of the playing fields. The firm specified a highly cost-effective solution using its OpenSpace product which could also be delivered quickly to meet the school’s tight time frame.

The children had previously had to change in the school building before walking across the playground to join their swimming lesson. The new facility allows them to change and shower immediately next to the swimming pool.

Delivery of the new changing rooms meant that the school could replace its existing facility within the main school building, allowing them to re-utilise this space for other teaching purposes.

In order to site the new building AV Danzer undertook external ground works which included preparing foundations, trenching, re-surfacing and fencing.

The installation was complex because the swimming pool was located to the rear of the main school complex and the approach was along residential roads so the team installed 85 metres of trackway across the grass playing fields and playground which allowed them to rig the 80 tonne crane to lift the 40ft span modules into place.

To minimise disruption to residents AV Danzer undertook a letter drop to all neighbours as well as putting in place temporary parking suspensions. This allowed the articulated lorries to manouver along the network of residential roads and access the site.

School bursar Joy Taylor commented: “Everyone is really very impressed with the new building and the installation work done by AV Danzer and we are already making good use of it.”