Stone love for Timberplay at Ecobuild

Exhibition & Webinar Tue, Mar 22, 2016 5:12 PM

One of the runaway successes of the Ecobuild show this year was the Seating Stones, provided by Timberplay, which were used around the Arena area.

These large, oversized, tactile pebbles were a key draw to delegates, who were compelled to touch the products or rest their feet and take in the Ecobuild atmosphere within the beautiful Arena setting.

Manufactured in fibre glass concrete, the seating stones are exceptionally hard wearing and relatively light, so suitable for both outdoor and indoor environments.

Joanne Sheridan, Head of Marketing at Timberplay commented: “Although made out of Concrete, these stones sit very comfortably within both natural play areas and urban settings. As well as being great seating solutions, they have high play value, whilst being a very good sensory addition to any space as you cannot help but reach out and touch them.”

All three stones within the collection were on display, ranging from 160cm to 240cm width. Patrick Collins, designer of the Ecobuild Arena selected the products in grey, but they are also available in several other colours including anthracite and terracotta.

Alongside the Seating Stones, Patrick had also selected the Tuning Stone from Timberplay’s range of play equipment from Richter SpielgerÓ“te. This mesmerising piece of kit works on the same principle as a tuning fork, emitting a low resonating tone when rubbed in the correct way. Manufactured in solid granite, the Tuning Stone makes a wonderful sculptural addition to any public space.

In addition to their products within the Ecobuild Arena, Timberplay also introduced delegates to their extended range of play equipment from Richter SpielgerÓ“te, street furniture and lighting from Santa & Cole, skate products and design from Concrete and multi-use games areas from TransAlp.