API welcomes five-year extension of School Sport Premium

Hotel, Sport & Leisure Tue, Mar 22, 2016 5:30 PM

The Association of Play Industries (API) wholeheartedly welcomes the government’s announcement that it will guarantee School Sport Premium funding of £150 million a year until 2020.  

API Chair Michael Hoenigmann reminds schools that outdoor play equipment promoting physical activity and movement skills is eligible for this funding.

“Physical inactivity is one of the greatest health, societal and economic challenges of the 21st Century” he says, “and so it is vital that we tackle it from children’s earliest years.  Schools have a major part to play in improving children’s physical literacy so improvements to the quality, frequency and standard of sport and PE provision are key.  

"But efforts must go far beyond that.  Embedding a culture of physical activity into everyday school life, inside and outside the classroom, is essential.  Increasing opportunities and improving facilities and provision for active outdoor play and learning are equally important."  

API members are experts in designing, creating and installing learning and play spaces, multi-use games areas, play equipment and resources to schools and early years settings across the UK.  

They operate to the highest standards, abide by a strict Professional Code of Conduct,  comply with BSEN 1176 and other relevant safety standards, and are rigorously and regularly monitored and credit-checked for financial security and stability.