Outdoor play equipment eligible for school sport funding

Hotel, Sport & Leisure Tue, Mar 22, 2016 5:28 PM

The Association of Play Industries (API) is delighted that Chancellor George Osborne has announced the extension of the School Sport Premium into 2015/2016 as part of the Autumn Statement.

API Chair Michael Hoenigmann is reminding headteachers that outdoor play equipment, which promotes physical activity and movement skills, is eligible for this funding.  

He urges headteachers to take every opportunity to use this funding to create a lasting legacy by enabling children to learn and play actively outdoors as much as possible before, during and after during the school day.

Hoenigmann says: “With the rising tide of child health and obesity problems faced by this generation’s young people, there has never been a greater need for challenging physical spaces for play so it is great news the government has confirmed its extended investment in school sport, PE and physical activity.

"Active, outdoor play, which becomes part of a child’s ongoing lifestyle, is just as important as PE and sport in tackling child obesity and we hope primary schools will take a holistic approach to using their funding as widely as possible to increase children’s physical activity and improve child health outcomes.”   

Sport Premium expenditure is at schools’ discretion but should be used to improve provision of PE and sport, to develop physical literacy and encourage physical activity as part of a lifelong healthy lifestyle. The Youth Sport Trust has produced a helpful self-review tool to guide schools on how to spend the School Sport Premium.

Around 70 per cent of the API’s members supply the education market, designing, creating and installing learning and play spaces, multi-use games areas, play equipment and resources to schools and early years settings across the UK.   API members are experts in designing play spaces that encourage physical activity and movement and operate to the very highest standards.   

The API badge is a quality mark and association members abide by a strict Professional Code of Conduct.  They comply with BSEN 1176 and other relevant safety standards and are rigorously monitored for financial stability.