A bright green future for the World Cup 2018 in Russia

Hotel, Sport & Leisure Tue, Mar 22, 2016 5:36 PM

As the excitement of the 2014 World Cup in Brazil draws to a close, attention is being turned to the competition in four years’ time which will take place in Russia.

Six of the new stadiums that will be constructed for the tournament are being assessed under BREEAM, to help drive the sustainable design and construction of the venues and provide international recognition for their achievement.

Ksenia Agapova, Associate Director at Jones Lang Lasalle in Moscow, is acting as BREEAM advisor on three projects – the stadiums at Samara, Volgograd and Nizhniy Novgorod.

“The World Cup 2018 stadiums, designed to BREEAM standards, will raise the bar of sustainable design and construction in Russia” she says. “Regulations in green building are not well developed here and few incentives exist for implementation of green technologies.

"It is a significant achievement for the design team to receive this international recognition and prove compliance with highest international standards.  We are looking forward to successful completion of these projects and expected increased public awareness of green building, as these venues attract a lot of attention”.

During the preparation of the design briefs for the stadia a series of consultations were undertaken with representatives from the local communities, business groups, football clubs, the organising committee and local authorities. Experience of construction of other sports venues was applied in the form of design guidance from FIFA, as well as learning from similar projects around the world.

Information about the  project and construction process is published on a regular basis online and is publically available through a knowledge sharing platform to ensure knowledge transfer from one project to another.

Sustainable features of the stadium designs include: