Last orders for draughty pubs

Hotel, Sport & Leisure Tue, Mar 22, 2016 5:13 PM

An Edinburgh pub has ensured the only draughts it has is what comes out in pints after becoming the first bar in the UK to install a futuristic heating system.

The Earl of Marchmont, a boutique food and drink establishment, decided to install the innovative Infranomic system from energy savings specialist Direct Savings after looking for an alternative heating solution that ticked all the boxes on cost, comfort and style.

Now not only have co-owners Malcolm Gray and John Eastwood created a draught free, cosy atmosphere for their patrons, they are saving 45% on heating costs per year.

And uniquely, the Infranomic heating panels are themselves a feature as they have been fitted as stylish wall mirrors.

Malcolm Gray said: “We decided to go for the Infranomic products from Direct Savings because we were sold on the fact that it would provide a very efficient heating, leading to low running costs and energy savings.

“Despite our expectations of the system being very high, we’ve been hugely impressed with the results.

“And instead of unsightly radiators or fan heaters, we’ve got a set of smart mirrors that have become part of the interior design.
“I like the fact that we took the decision to install something that no one else has – but I think it won’t be too long before the Inframonic heaters are in homes and businesses up and down the country.”

Infranomic heaters emit ‘Far Infrared’ energy which floods the entire room with warmth, absorbing into all materials within the room, including the walls, ceiling and floor.  

The heating panels, which use the same technology found in special baby care incubators, can be designed to look like art work or mirrors – or take the shape of a favourite picture or image.

Jack Lockerbie, recruitment consultant for a major UK recruitment firm and a regular at The Earl of Marchmont, said: “The Earl of Marchmont is my local of choice mainly as it is a cosy, comfortable place.

“I noticed the new mirrors after the pub was renovated, but only as they make the room seem bigger and more full of natural light. When I was told these were also the heaters, I couldn’t believe it.

 “When having a drink or bite, the last thing you want is cold draughts swirling about. The new heating system does seem to have completely eliminated this, putting the room at a constant, ambient temperature.”

Ged Smith, Managing Director at Direct Savings, said they are confident the heaters will become commonplace in homes and businesses in the near future.

Ged added: “Infra-red does not rely on convection power. So that alleviates cold spots in a room and gives a constant warm environment, creating a very efficient heating system.  
“This really is the future of heating. It has to be seen to be believed.”
Far Infrared is acknowledged as a natural and harmless form of heating that is actually beneficial to the human body – the body is designed to absorb Infrared energy as it operates on the same frequency.

The heating elements are also completely maintenance free and require no annual servicing, saving even more money each year.
The heating systems are exclusively provided by Direct Savings in Britain and the firm have had nothing but positive feedback from those who have had it installed.

The systems are also at the centre of two interesting studies – Historic Scotland/National Trust for Scotland have undertaken a pilot to see if the systems can benefit old, stone properties; and St Andrews University are conducting a study of a system that has been installed in a home in St Andrews as part of a trial by a local fuel poverty group.

Direct Savings is one of the UK’s leading national installer of high quality, innovative energy saving solutions, operating out of five bases - its Bathgate HQ, Perth, Peterhead, Milton Keynes and Bradford.