Transforming a car park into a new MUGA

Hotel, Sport & Leisure Tue, Mar 22, 2016 5:21 PM

ETC Sports Surfaces is always delighted to take on a project that makes a real community impact.

So when it was asked to transform an Essex car park located behind the Children's Support Services Heybridge Centre into a brand new Multi Use Games Area (MUGA) the company naturally jumped at the chance.

The new facility will give the children who attend the centre an attractive facility to play football, tennis and basketball.

The Heybridge Centre offers a wide range of services for secondary school children who have learning and behavioural difficulties. Thanks to funding from Essex County Council to make the improvements, this transformation will inspire the youngsters to play sports in a safe enclosed all weather surface area outside. Before the MUGA was built, the children had a grassy pitch on which they could play some sports but capacity was very limited.

Premises Manager Phil Davis says, "The MUGA has made a real difference to the school - we now have more curriculum based PE activities for the children to participate in and they can use the area in all weathers. Previously all we had was the grassy area which didn't give the children any basketball or tennis opportunities, and obviously got very muddy in wet weather. We are all very pleased with the MUGA."

Having learned that Essex County Council had a strict budget of £20,000 VAT for creating the MUGA from start to finish, it was necessary for ETC Sports to put together a strong proposal that would come in at the right price, but also provide good workmanship and materials.

ETC Sports' 25 years of experience in creating all-weather surfaces and multi use games areas alongside its black book of trusted suppliers all contributed to a well-considered and well-planned proposal which came in on budget.