Children love to recycle with EnviroBuddies

Hotel, Sport & Leisure Tue, Mar 22, 2016 5:35 PM

Leafield’s collection of adorable novelty recycling bins are attracting lots of attention at schools, nurseries , play groups and leisure premises across the country. Children love these cute recycling characters which were created especially to give schools a fun and interactive head start when teaching children to recycle.

A recent primary school survey* revealed that 8 out of 10 teachers agreed that novelty recycling bins are extremely likely to encourage children to recycle and 74% said novelty bins would make learning much more fun.

Four out of 10 schools surveyed have special plans for Wrap** Recycling Week which kicks off on 16th June. Recycling activities range from creative craft workshops using paper, milk bottle tops and drinks cans, to fashion shows with catwalk outfits created entirely from upcycled clothes and pre-loved accessories.

Novelty bins sales have increased six fold since their launch in 2012 and Leafield’s factory has produced over 2,000 novelty bins for schools, nurseries and leisure sites. These great characters are delivering the recycling message to children destined to be environmentalists of the future. 

Lisa Jewell, School Business Manager at St Albert’s Primary School in Stockbridge Village agrees, “We introduced the smiley-faced bins to engage and educate the children to recycle. Their appealing faces certainly helped to drive up recycling rates.”