Exploring the architecture behind London 2012

Hotel, Sport & Leisure Tue, Mar 22, 2016 5:02 PM

As the world turns its eyes to London in 2012, Design Stories examines the architecture and engineering behind the 2012 sporting venues.

It provides a unique Olympic experience - a place where people can explore and view drawings, images, videos and amazingly detailed models of London's key new sporting venues.

The exhibition draws back the layers of complex engineering and explores the ideas and design principles that lie behind the venues. At its centre the exhibition features a stunning 14-metre graphic mural capturing the energy and contrasting styles of the new Olympic and Paralympic buildings.

The 2012 sporting venues and lead architects featured in the exhibition include:

As the Games begin the audio visual element of the installation will transform into a live screening lounge from Monday July 30, providing an exceptional central London location to cheer on the record-breaking athletes and experience the stunning new venues they will compete in.