Rise in swim participation goes against the tide

Hotel, Sport & Leisure Tue, Mar 22, 2016 5:02 PM

Leisure Connection has reported an 11.6% like for like increase in swimmers.

The rise comes despite a study by Sport England which shows there has been a decrease of 430,000 swimming participants throughout the UK over the last four years.

Although there has been concern about this apparent decrease in swimming participants, Leisure Connection has seen a steady rise in pool usage.

The leisure management company believes the increase of people taking the plunge and swimming in its local facilities, is a result of innovative swimming programmes that have been delivered across its 42 pools.

The company has also seen year on year swimming lesson programme participation rise by 5.6%, with adult swimming class participation up by 32.9%.

Tara Stroud, Head of Swimming at Leisure Connection, commented: “These figures are very encouraging and are testamant to all the hard work and creativity that we apply to promoting swimming within our communities. 

“We will continue to work closely with our client partners to ensure we deliver programmes and courses, which not only teach this life skill, but which also promote swimming as a form of physical activity in a bid to stay fit and healthy.”