SDS wins contract for Twickenham Academy

Hotel, Sport & Leisure Tue, Mar 22, 2016 5:02 PM

SDS has won the contract to provide the stormwater attenuation system for the new Twickenham Academy, a college specialising in sports and digital technology.

The project, which is due for completion in Easter 2013, will be a new state of the art building based on innovative Swedish designs.

The building will be three stories high, with some 90 classrooms, and will be split into three colleges, Holmes, Wembley and Upper College.

Specialists in ground works and reinforced concrete aspects, Amery Construction Ltd, worked closely with SDS Ltd to meet the specification needs from the main contractor.

Due to the area of catchment, an attenuation tank has been installed to hold storm water in times of heavy rain and release it via a vortex flow control into the main storm system.

Due to the versatility of their solutions and technical back-up, SDS was able to confidently supply and install the attenuation tank using their GEOlight units, with a storage capacity of 200m3.

Chris Hunt of Amery Construction, commented, “The installation was fast, safe and professionally done. Amery is looking forward to working with SDS again in the future.” 

The construction was carefully phased so that all of the specialist facilities could be used throughout the process. Chris continued, “The final result has been that the excavation was closed up one week ahead of schedule, allowing more access for following trade. This together with the economic benefits has resulted in a very difficult and awkward part of the contract being carried out very quickly and efficiently with little disruption to site access.”

SDS is pleased to be involved with Twickenham Academy, knowing that it will give local school leavers a greater opportunity to further their academic careers.

SDS employs very efficient and highly trained installation teams, allowing them to meet the requirements of any projects. Even though GEOlight was not originally specified on this project, SDS was confident that they would be able to produce a system that would meet their requirements.

The wide range of solutions available from SDS means that systems can be designed to cover all situations and site constraints. The designers teamwork with clients to ensure that a water solution is provided to exactly match the unique requirements of the development. 

SDS provide a complete installation service, undertaking site preparation, installation and commissioning as well as using off-site pre-fabrication to help minimise on-site waste.