UV Water Treatment for Small Pools and Spas

Hotel, Sport & Leisure Tue, Mar 22, 2016 5:36 PM

Owners and operators of small pools and spas don’t need large UV systems to treat their water. What they do need, however, is high quality, reliable UV technology designed for smaller water flows. Until recently high quality UV options were limited – but help is at hand! Hanovia has just launched its new SwimLine Splash range, specifically designed for treating smaller water flows.

What are the benefits of UV for small pool and spa owners?

Commenting on Hanovia’s UV technology, James Hadley, the company’s Western Europe Sales Manager, says: “Bacteria like Cryptosporidium and Giardia are highly resistant to chlorine and can’t be eliminated by using the chemical on its own – an additional step is therefore required to ensure their complete removal. UV is now one of the most popular methods of destroying them.

“In addition, chloramines – the unpleasant by-products of chlorination – can be effectively removed with UV. So, by being effective against chlorine resistant micro-organisms and by controlling chloramines, UV is a double-edged sword.”

Football Clubs

Interestingly, some of England’s most famous football clubs are now using Hanovia UV technology to purify their hydrotherapy pools. Water of exceptionally high quality is required as the clubs can’t afford for their players to fall ill as a result of water-borne pathogens.

“Running costs are always being scrutinized by clubs, with all of them trying to maximise profits and minimise wastage. By adding UV to their water treatment regimes, they’re not only getting rid of harmful chlorine by-products, they’re also saving money and reducing the amount of chlorine used,” added James.

About Hanovia

Based in the United Kingdom, with a worldwide distributor network, Hanovia is a world leader in UV disinfection technology for swimming pool, spa and leisure applications. The company is celebrating its 90th anniversary this year! From its early days manufacturing UV lamps to treat skin conditions to today’s validated, performance qualified UV water treatment systems, Hanovia has always been a technology leader and at the at the forefront of UV innovation. The company is a subsidiary of Halma plc.