Weymouth offers sailing and more

Hotel, Sport & Leisure Tue, Mar 22, 2016 5:02 PM

Visitors to Weymouth and the Dorset coast are being invited to take in what the area has to offer during the Olympic and Paralympic Games, and there’s something for everyone.

Visitors who are into live entertainment, are sure to enjoy the Weymouth Bayside Festival. With great food and stunning sea views, you can take in fire juggling, listen to music, or watch the Royal Navy helicopter display team.

If you’re interested in country pubs, walking, and picturesque villages, the first UNESCO World heritage site in England, the Jurassic coast, has plenty to offer.

For lovers of maritime craft the Boat Project – part of London 2012 Festival – offers a chance to witness the building of a unique 30-foot yacht from the stuff which our lives are made of. The seafaring vessel is made from donated wooden items – from highly personal belongings to items of national importance. The boat will be on show at the harbour side throughout the Olympic and Paralympic Sailing events.

Meanwhile, for art enthusiasts the b-side Multimedia Arts Festival is an offbeat selection of innovative contemporary arts events, including all-women sea shanty choirs, a human-powered symphony and a telepathic drawing experiment.

The events are hosted in eclectic and unusual locations – including pubs, churches, swimming pools, shops, car parks, bus stops and old castles – so should offer a surreal alternative to the world of sporting endeavour.