Novus performs at Cheltenham Town Hall

Hotel, Sport & Leisure Tue, Mar 22, 2016 5:32 PM

Maintenance and refurbishment contractor Novus Property Solutions has showcased its ability to work to tight timescales after redecorating the historic Cheltenham Town Hall in just four weeks.  

The Edwardian building is a popular venue which hosts shows by some of the biggest names in entertainment, with Novus efficiently carrying out a refurbishment and redecoration valued at £140,000.

Main circulation corridors and ornate staircases, which feature dramatic archways and intricate mouldings, were redecorated by Novus in period colours, restoring the paintwork to its former magnificence.  

The Novus team, comprising of directly employed staff and sub contractors, also laid new carpets in the building and carried out redecorative work to balconies in the spectacular main hall, in order to further establish the venue as a destination of choice.

Wood flooring in corridors was sanded, polished and resealed, electrical lighting was upgraded and signage was updated to help maintain the town hall’s reputation as a first-class venue.

The team also fully refurbished a disabled toilet inside the town hall, showcasing the contractor’s ability to bring a full range of services together under one roof.

Novus’ Simon Brown said: “This was an unusual job which the team embraced. There were several challenges, including working at height when redecorating hard-to-reach areas like the underside of balconies. We installed temporary scaffolding to do this, adhering to our usual robust health and safety standards at all times.

“We worked around the busy venue’s day-to-day activity, ensuring that all work was completed within tight time schedules, to deliver the desired finish for the client.”

Chris Foster, operations manager at Cheltenham Town Hall, said: “It was great to work with Novus on this project which was achieved in a challenging timescale.  They were receptive to our requirements which were detailed due to the listing and nature of the building. We are very happy with the end result and have received some very positive feedback from our customers".