People 1st seeks employer feedback on apprenticeship content and delivery

Hotel, Sport & Leisure Tue, Mar 22, 2016 5:14 PM

People 1st, the sector skills council for the hospitality, passenger transport, travel and tourism sector, is asking employers to take part in a consultation on the practical steps needed to transform apprenticeships following the government’s Richard Review on the future of apprenticeships.
The Review findings were released on November 2012 and the Government has recently endorsed its recommendations for reform.

This will focus on giving employers more control over apprenticeships and ensuring that all apprenticeships are rigorous and responsive to employers’ needs, and the Government is now asking employers how best to make some of these changes.
People 1st is co-ordinating a response on how this should be done in the hospitality industry to ensure all employers in this critical sector of the economy have the chance to provide feedback.
This new submission will follow on from People 1st’s response to the initial Richard Review consultation, which reflected many of the recommendations contained in Doug Richards’ report that was released in November 2012.
To provide an opportunity to gather views into their response to Government, People 1st is holding an employer consultation event in London on Wednesday 1 May from 2pm.
Martine Pullen, head of pre-employment and apprenticeship at People 1st, said “We want them to attend the consultation event to ensure their point of view is captured and incorporated.
“Combined with other work we’re doing at People 1st, we want to transform the way apprenticeships are developed and delivered.”
Apprenticeships continue to grow in the industry, with almost 13,400 people completing a hospitality apprenticeship last year. They are also key to the future of the industry, as they play a vital role in addressing skill shortages for occupations such as chefs.
People 1st will be asking employers to express their opinions on all areas of apprenticeship content and delivery, but in particular it wants to understand how apprenticeships can be designed to better meet their needs.
Companies wishing to attend the consultation event can register online. Those who are unable to attend the event but who wish to contribute to the consultation can email their views to Martine Pullen or contact her on to arrange an interview.

People 1st is the sector skills council for the hospitality, passenger transport, travel and tourism industries focusing on transforming skills in the sector through the development of world class qualifications in management and leadership, customer service and craft skills.

The People 1st Training Company is focused on developing training products that meet the skills needs of employers in the industry.