Comprehensive sport and play funding list now available

Hotel, Sport & Leisure Tue, Mar 22, 2016 5:14 PM

A new database, which lists all the available funding options for schools and sports groups is now available from SAPCA, the Sports and Play Construction Association.

The database covers a huge range of 89 organisations offering funds towards sports and play facilities and programmes.

Chris Trickey, Chief Executive of SAPCA, explains why the list is an essential source of information to improve access to sport and play across the country. He said: “With recent budget cuts, we understand that many local schools and sports organisations may be struggling to provide the high standard of sports and play programmes and facilities that young children and athletes need to excel.

“By providing this rare resource we aim to ensure that all those who require access to support in order to provide these valued programmes and facilities know exactly where to turn.

“We’ve pulled together this extensive list of charitable funds, with the help of Liz Behnke of Syzygy Leisure, to create a comprehensive source of information for those who need financial support in order to continue benefiting the communities through sport and play.”

Local organisations across the country are encouraged to view the database to see what funding options are available to them, or contact SAPCA for more information.