Children get creative with SNUG at largest indoor play centre

Hotel, Sport & Leisure Tue, Mar 22, 2016 5:26 PM

Loose parts play kit SNUG is proving a hit with children at the largest indoor play centre in the UK.

The Riverside Hub, a new 30,000 sq ft activity centre in Northampton, features 20 zones packed with games, puzzles and activities and aims to promote learning and imagination through play.

SNUG, which comprises a family of large-scale, modular play elements can be used in any combination and appears in the centre’s ‘Activity Zone’.

“SNUG is incredibly popular as it’s something new and exciting – children haven’t seen anything like it before,” says Lorraine Murphy, General Manager at the Riverside Hub. “They love making different courses to jump and climb over, and get ideas from each other of different ways to use the kit.

“The play equipment also enables parents to interact with their children – we’ve seen a lot of dads getting involved in creating obstacle courses.”

Staff at the Riverside Hub arrange the SNUG equipment in a different way each morning, but encourage children to move it into new, creative positions. Children can therefore create their own dynamic playscapes where they can explore and learn.

“The great thing about the equipment is that it always ends up in a completely different position at the end of the day – no two days are the same,” adds Lorraine.

SNUG also features on a huge mural on the wall in the Activity Zone, highlighting its exciting colours and shapes.

As well as being used in free play, it will be featured in activities such as toddler gymnastics classes.

Andrew Love from Sutcliffe Play, manufacturer of SNUG, says: “The Riverside Hub is a fantastic new play centre which really encourages creative play in children. It’s great to see that children are embracing SNUG, making use of its colourful, modular elements to explore new ways to play and interact.”

SNUG comprises large-scale, durable play elements which can be rearranged by children to create new playscapes, encouraging imaginative, cooperative play. The kit comprises the following modular elements: