Tensator's Virtual Assistant Ultra gets a more interactive touch

Hotel, Sport & Leisure Tue, Mar 22, 2016 5:22 PM

Tensator, the world leader in queue management and customer journey solutions, has introduced a new interactive feature to its Virtual Assistant Ultra, bringing more choice to consumers.
Already known for creating a wow factor at airports, retail outlets, leisure venues, hospitals and public sector buildings, the unit is now available with an interactive button panel, which allows customers to interact with the unit for the first time, with a choice of eleven extra functions.
The buttons can be programmed for a wide variety of bespoke options, depending on the setting. For example, the unit can supply extra information on particular products for shoppers, advise patients on basic treatments, direct air passengers around terminals, play video presentations and answer a host of frequently asked questions.
With the additional benefit of presenting in a selection of different languages, the new feature is particularly beneficial for locations with a multi-cultural population.
“This optional feature for the Virtual Assistant Ultra gives customers a whole new way to get the service help they need, whatever the context,” commented Tensator’s head of media Ajay Joshi.
“The unit has always proven extremely useful because of the spectacle it creates and its ability to bring its message to life by using cutting edge technology to create the illusion of a real person. But, by interacting with it, people are able to get even more help and information because its use is so much more versatile.
“This development is based on feedback that we have received from clients. So effective has the product been that businesses want an increasing amount of information to be available through Virtual Assistants. This feature creates the opportunity for that, with the added benefit of freeing up staff resources. It’s literally like having an extra member of the team.”
The Virtual Assistant Ultra is Tensator’s most compact version in the range. With just a 50cm x 50cm footprint, it is designed to conveniently fit almost anywhere in a store, reception area or terminal building.
The product has already proven a hit with Tensator’s customers, leveraging its visual impact to create a unique marketing tool that has helped to significantly increase sales, drive efficiency and increase dwell time and traffic.