Free counter-terrorism guide for buildings and venues

Hotel, Sport & Leisure Tue, Mar 22, 2016 5:40 PM

As police forces across the country take to the streets to advise the public as part of Counter-terrorism Awareness Week, hostile vehicle mitigation (HVM) security specialist, Townscape Products, is informing building and venue managers on the role they must play.
The current terror threat for the UK is ‘severe’, the highest it’s been since 2011, and Jonathan Goss, managing director of Townscape Products, is warning any facility which attracts a high concentration of people needs to review its perimeter security measures.
Jonathan said: “This week a new Counter Terrorism and Security Bill will be introduced providing the Government with stronger measures to tackle the terrorist threat in the UK. The attempted bombing by extremists at Glasgow Airport in 2007 showed how terrorists can try and use vehicles to attack a building. Installing a HVM system is of paramount importance for any public building or place.”
As part of Counter-terrorism Awareness Week, Townscape is providing building owners, architects and facilities managers with a free perimeter protection factsheet, advising them on how they can create a robust vehicle barrier system.
Jonathan added: “The threat of vehicle-borne attack has never been higher. We advise owners and facilities managers of all types of building or public space, ranging from schools and places of worship to offices, tourist attractions and stadiums, to implement a HVM strategy to assess the risks they face and to plan counter measures. Our guide will help them to start this process.”
Townscape has been providing integrated PAS 68 HVM solutions to many of the UK’s largest airports, utilities infrastructure, visitor attractions, government and public buildings. Townscape’s Counter Terror (CT) Block is a perimeter security system designed to immobilise a 7.5 tonne vehicle traveling at 40mph. The CT Block requires only very shallow (100mm) foundations, making it inexpensive to install without compromising on building security.