Put an extra spring in your step with Wicksteed

Hotel, Sport & Leisure Tue, Mar 22, 2016 5:32 PM

Wicksteed’s latest colourful brochure showcases brand new outdoor fitness units in their Fitness Legacy Zones.

Designed and developed in collaboration with experts in sports, nutrition and general well-being, over 30 individual units offering specific multi-discipline fitness benefits available in a range of colour combos are displayed in this colourful 20 page guide.

Utilising the very latest Smartphone technology, QR codes on each unit can be scanned to reveal footage of the equipment in action.  Crucially, the FLZ range is certified to the DIN79000 Safety Standard and provides a safe, interactive and dedicated workout zone whereby communities can keep fit together in the fresh air – all without the cost of individual gym memberships, too.

Wicksteed is keen to encourage everyone aged over 14 to get moving and improve general health and fitness through these Fitness Legacy Zones as worrying statistics indicate just how little time the average UK resident puts aside for physical exercise.

The University of Bristol has just done a study which reveals that 80% of adults do not do enough to keep fit and in a recent ‘Fit Choice’ report, British Heart Foundation states:  “If current trends continue, by 2050 overweight and obesity will affect 9 out of 10 adults.”
All FLZ units offer a wide variety of ways in which to effectively tone, strengthen and stretch the muscles and the enormous cardiovascular benefits apply across the whole range.  Ability is not an issue as each user can control their own pace and there are inclusive units available within the range, too.

There are many Wicksteed Fitness Legacy Zones installed already across the UK and ROI with an increasing amount of orders rolling in as more and more recognise the brilliant benefits of keep fit equipment being made available to parks, schools, colleges and village greens everywhere.