Dallmer Introduces 'RED ZONE' Roof Drain

Hotel, Sport & Leisure Wed, Mar 23, 2016 9:26 AM

From the Met Office to the Governor of the Bank of England, we are constantly being warned about the potential consequences of Climate Change and the risk of more frequent extreme weather events but are offered few lasting solutions other than “cutting carbon emissions” – which is why Dallmer has introduced its high capacity ‘Red’ Drain. The unit’s red colour identifies it as a separate system from the conventional flat roof drainage and is intended to provide overflow when the main outlets are being overwhelmed. Crucially, the versatile design can be connected to chutes or to pipework in gravity or siphonic systems. This clears excess storm-water quickly before it can find vulnerable joints (typically where the waterproofing meets upstands) or exert excess structural loads. ‘Red’ Drain variants can be installed as part of a new roof or retrofitted into an existing one and are adjustable to suit different insulation thicknesses and waterproofing systems. The latter include Bitumen felt, single ply PVC, TPO, EPDM as well as liquid applied membranes. The ‘Red’ Drain will either be situated on the flat roof itself or within a box gutter where it can be adjusted to work when the standing water has reached an excess depth of typically 30 mm up to a maximum of 100mm. Furthermore, because of the ‘Red’ Drain’s design it compensates for the tendency of secondary drainage systems to silt up through their occasional usage. This height adjustability can be of particular importance if the primary drainage system is siphonic as setting the overflow too low could rob the siphonic system of water, admitting air and rendering it ineffective.

A spokesperson for Dallmer commented: “All too frequently, we see North America and Europe experience new record rainfall, which has led to water ponding on flat roofs : this can cause serious damage, especially to lightweight steel structures. Installing our ‘Red’ Drains as overflows for a flat roof drainage system, can guard against these extreme events, protecting both property and the occupants.”

“Whatever the type of roof make-up or the pipework system used there is a ‘Red’ Drain suitable for the job. They offer high flow rates as well as straightforward installation and the building remains properly protected.”


For more information on ‘Red’ Drain visit www.dallmer.de/en