NHBC announces new partnership on testing with BSRIA

Housing Tue, Mar 22, 2016 5:17 PM

Housebuilders are now able to benefit from a more efficient, faster onsite air leakage testing service following the announcement of a new partnership between NHBC and leading consultancy and research organisation BSRIA (Building Services Research and Information Association).

From June, NHBC and BSRIA – an organisation with over 50 years’ experience supporting and advising the construction industry, which has carried out 50,000 energy tests across the industry since 2006 - will jointly provide responsive air leakage testing as part of NHBC’s  overall Part L compliance package which includes SAP and EPC’s.

Richard Stockholm, NHBC Operation Manager, said: “The new partnership will result in a more cost-effective and streamlined Part L compliance solution for NHBC registered builders. A faster response time will be achieved through this new partnership, increasing capacity and resource, ultimately minimising disruption on site.

“NHBC continues to lead the way in helping homebuilders meet their sustainability and energy requirements and we are confident that the new partnership will help us to reinforce this message further across the industry.”

There will be no change to the service that builder customers receive, however the onsite service will now be undertaken by BSRIA, on behalf of NHBC.