New white paper calls for more strategic action on flooding

Housing Wed, Mar 23, 2016 10:35 AM

BRE welcomes the Treasury’s £2.3 billion investment in flood defences but with one in six homes now under threat of flooding from rivers, sea and surface water a new approach to dealing with the risks is needed.

A new white paper by Director of BRE’s Centre for Resilience Dr Stephen Garvin says:

"There are 5.2 million homes at risk of flooding," he added. "Government’s investment in flood defences will protect 300,000 of these but a new approach to flood management is needed to reduce the risks further.

"The Centre urges the Government to think about the rise in surface water flooding, prevalent in urban areas as this requires a more adaptive flood management approach. Our urban environment continues to grow apace – surface water management needs to be embedded in the new developments we construct with things like sustainable urban drainage systems, green roofs to decrease water run off as well as localised flood resilient technologies."