Belgian site applies BREEAM Communities

Housing Wed, Mar 23, 2016 10:41 AM

Developers Ecowijk and Sogent have adopted BREEAM Communities as a framework for achieving the ambitious sustainability goals for the residential development Ecowijk Gantoise in Ghent, Belgium.                                            
The site, which has had a rich history in sports for more than 150 years, was previously home to the football club of Ghent (KAA Gent) and still houses a hockey and tennis club La Gantoise.

With the increasing popularity of the sports on site, the clubs chose to move to a more accessible site in Ghent where they could expand their activities leaving behind a well located site with great sustainable transport links to the city centre and the rest of Flanders and Belgium. The two clubs sold this 5ha site to the two developers Ecowijk and Sogent, who in turn agreed on an ambitious project brief for an eco-neighbourhood that they will develop together.
The partners both strive to create an eco-neighbourhood (a residential development built according to ecological principles); for which the principles are reflected in the BREEAM Communities methodology. Both developers wanted to create a different kind of residential development; one that will inspire the real estate community to adopt the ecological way of development and a neighbourhood that will set the bar within the local real estate market.
Defining the project brief was a first important step with the developers drawing inspiration from other eco-neighbourhoods in Europe and the renewed Global Goals of the United Nations. Ultimately the developers, together with the City of Ghent, agreed on several central ambitions:

Ecowijk and Sogent, the developers for the site, have adopted the BREEAM Communities framework, recognising that it will “…safeguard and enhance their sustainable and ecological ambitions through the different stages of development.”
The use of BREEAM Communities was announced by one of the developers saying: “BREEAM Communities is put forward as a development tool, instead of an assessment tool, to master and manage the broad scale of topics related to sustainable development without limiting creativity.”
Ghent-based property consultant and BREEAM assessor Bopro said: “Our clients integrated our assessment team and the BREEAM Communities methodology early on, recognising the potential of the scheme as a management tool to master the challenging ambitions. A special effort was made for the extensive consultation of all stakeholders, which in turn motivated the City of Ghent to recognise the project and its development process as an exemplary project for new residential developments.”
BREEAM Communities is a site-wide sustainability assessment method, providing a framework through which the economic, environmental and social sustainability of the plans for large scale developments can be improved, measured and certified. The framework looks at sustainability holistically, helping developers, local authorities and design teams to plan and build high quality communities that are vibrant, safe and environmentally friendly.
The BREEAM Communities framework will be applied to Ecowijk Gantoise using the BREEAM Communities International Bespoke process. This process involves adapting the assessment criteria to reflect the local context in which it is being applied and demonstrates the developers’ commitment to sustainability.
“The BREEAM Communities scheme has shown to be a valuable tool in defining the project brief and will safeguard the set out ambitions by assessing the implementation through the different stages of the development,” added BREEAM assessor Bopro.