Energy efficiency in homes must be pararmount

Housing Wed, Mar 23, 2016 10:41 AM

BSRIA supports the government consultation on a multi-billion pound plan for roads, rail, flood defences and energy, but observes that home energy efficiency is equally important.

Unless homes are insulated, the UK will miss targets to end fuel poverty and cut carbon emissions.

The plan to make home energy efficiency a key infrastructure priority was proposed by the ‘right-leaning’ think-tank Policy Exchange (PX) last summer.

It argues that improving home efficiency creates many jobs; combats fuel poverty; reduces air pollution; minimises carbon emissions; cuts fuel imports; benefits the balance of payments; and reduces the need to build new power stations.

Julia Evans, Chief Executive, BSRIA, said: "Improving energy efficiency in people’s homes is essential when household budgets are tight. Housing is essential infrastructure that often gets forgotten after the all-consuming topics of roads and railways and, moreover, key to the delivery of the government’s Productivity Plan.

"Industry needs a more concentrated effort on making all buildings – homes and businesses – more efficient. This will have the domino effect of such financial and environmental advantages. Both of these aspects are critical.

"BSRIA offers a series of network events – the imminent ‘future of low energy homes – Residential Network Meeting’ on Wednesday 24th February is ideal to further these discussions on this essential topic.”