Building your own home can be a cost effective option

Housing Wed, Mar 23, 2016 10:32 AM

Building your own house is a more affordable way to provide a family home Planning Minister Nick Boles told eager self-builders at Grand Designs Live.

Self-build and custom build - where people work with a specialist developer to deliver a home – can be a cheaper and more cost effective way into homeownership.

Other countries are well ahead of the UK in the number of homes which are self and custom built when compared to housing built by regular developers.

In Austria about 80% of all homes are self-built. In Germany, France and Italy the figure is about 60%, while in the US and Australia about 40% of homes are custom built. By contrast the figure for the UK is about 8 to10%.

Nick Boles said: "There is huge potential for many more people to take up the opportunity to build their own home as a cost effective way into home ownership. The reality is that custom building a house can be a cheaper way to provide a home for you and your family and I want to see many more people making use of it.

"We all know we need more homes and this could be a very good option for many more people wanting to get onto the property ladder."

The government is making it easier for people to build their own home and is keen that people tap into the great opportunity custom build provides to increase house building. The sector currently builds around 10,000 homes a year and there is potential for it to provide many more.

In the Budget we announced government will support custom build by: