New funding to crack down on rogue landlords and tackle 'beds in sheds'

Housing Wed, Mar 23, 2016 10:39 AM

New funding will help up to 65 councils tackle rogue landlords who let out substandard homes and make tenants’ lives a misery, Communities Secretary Greg Clark has announced.

The worst affected councils which have a large proportion of private rented stock in their areas and significant problems will be able to bid for a share of the fund to tackle irresponsible landlords who provide unsafe living conditions, exploit innocent tenants and blight communities.

The fund will also target ‘beds in sheds’ which are often rented to vulnerable migrants by ruthless landlords who charge them extortionate rents to live in cramped conditions.

Councils can use the money to:

Communities Secretary Greg Clark said: "We’re determined to keep the country building and increase the supply of good quality homes that families want, both to buy and for rent.

"Key to this is rooting out the minority of landlords in the private rented sector that let out poorly-maintained and unsafe properties to vulnerable tenants, making their lives a misery.

"Council-led efforts mean more than 3,000 landlords have faced enforcement action and even prosecution in the last 2 years – today’s £5 million funding, combined with the extra powers we’re bringing forward, will help them go even further."

Housing Minister Brandon Lewis said: "The majority of tenants are happy with their home, but the private rental sector is still afflicted by too many rogues – who rent dangerous, dirty and overcrowded properties without a thought for the welfare of their tenants.

"That’s why we are inviting the worst affected councils to come forward and apply for extra funding, so they can root out the cowboys and rogue operators.

"The government is determined to crack down on rogue landlords and this funding, alongside measures in the Housing and Planning Bill, will further strengthen councils’ powers to tackle poor-quality privately rented homes in their area."

There are more than 4.4 million households renting privately. Since 2013 nearly 40,000 inspections have taken place in properties, with more than 3,000 landlords now facing further enforcement action or prosecution.

The measures will not hamper the vast majority of landlords who are diligent and responsible. They avoid strangling the industry in red tape which would deter investment, increase rent and reduce choice for tenants.

Additional measures being taken forward in the Housing and Planning Bill reinforce this crackdown on unscrupulous landlords and letting agents, including: