New measures will provide thousands of new homes

Housing Wed, Mar 23, 2016 10:35 AM

Thousands of new homes will be provided following a new range of government measures.

Communities Secretary Eric Pickles said these new measures would support locally-led efforts to get the country building, building on the momentum gathered since 2010 which has seen house building levels rise to a 7-year high.

The government announced:

The government also announced measures that will provide thousands of new affordable homes:

Communities Secretary Eric Pickles said: "We’ve seen how getting the country building has been key to our long term economic plan – helping hard-working people become homeowners and creating thousands of construction jobs.

"We’re offering a blueprint for how we maintain this momentum, supporting local communities to deliver the homes they want to see, making the best possible use of brownfield land and protecting the Green Belt.

"Taken together with our plans for a new programme of affordable house building, these measures could deliver over 200,000 new homes across the country."

Housing Minister Brandon Lewis said: "Since 2010 we’ve pulled out all the stops and got the country building, delivering the highest levels of house building for 7 years.

"The package of measures will ensure we go further, delivering up to a quarter of a million new homes – including thousands of new affordable homes.

"And in doing this, we’ll support the construction industry – a key part of our growing economy – long into the future by creating thousands of new jobs."