Another £5m for social landlords to install renewable heat

Housing Wed, Mar 23, 2016 10:29 AM

A total of 57 social landlords across Great Britain have been awarded a share of £5 million to get more renewable heating into the homes of tenants, Energy and Climate Change Minister Greg Barker has announced.

The 57 winners will use the cash to install a range of renewable heating kit in social homes. The landlords have been awarded the funding from a second round of this year’s Renewable Heat Premium Payment (RHPP) Social Landlords competition.

Energy and Climate Change Minister Greg Barker said: “The coalition is absolutely determined to help hard working families with the rising cost of living.

“Renewable heating kit like heat pumps and biomass boilers can help keep homes warm and bills down, so it’s great that social landlords will be getting cash to help get over 2,100 renewable heating technologies into the homes of their tenants.”

Applications were received from a number of social landlords wanting to install different technologies. Bids were reviewed by the Energy Saving Trust (EST) and assessed by a panel chaired by the Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) which included representatives from the Scottish and Welsh Governments.

Bids were scored on a range of criteria including value for money, fuel to be replaced, additional energy efficiency measures to be installed and plans to work with local communities.

The winning projects offer the best value for money and mix of renewable heat technologies to be installed. Projects will need to be completed and claims made to the EST by 30 June 2014.