RHI proves renewable heating is a genuine choice for home owners

Housing Wed, Mar 23, 2016 10:36 AM

Twenty-five thousand accreditations so far for the domestic RHI, shows that renewable heat is providing many homes with a genuine choice of how they heat their homes.

Homeowners, home builders and social landlords are all making the most of the Incentive as they make their homes warmer and cheaper to run.

Amber Rudd MP, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State for Climate Change, said: “We have seen an enthusiastic response to our world-first Renewable Heat Incentive. It’s very encouraging that in only a number of months 25,000 people have already taken up the incentive – proving that installing renewable heating can be a real, everyday choice for people’s homes.

“I now want to see even more energy consumers taking advantage of this opportunity. DECC will be hosting several Roadshows in March – and I would urge everyone to find out which technologies could help you to bring down bills.”

“The RHI aims to help to kick start the renewable heat market, to make it attractive to investment from businesses as well as individuals, so they can enjoy the benefits of renewable heating in terms of having warmer premises or homes, lower bills and reducing their emissions.”

The domestic RHI was launched in April 2014 and is the first scheme of its kind in the world, aimed at helping people install renewable heating systems, so they have warmer homes and lower fuel bills while reducing their emissions.

This innovative scheme pays people for the heat they generate for their homes. It is open to everyone – home owners, social and private landlords, and people who build their own homes. It is available to households both on and off the gas grid.

You can find out more about the scheme here and try our RHI calculator to understand more about what you could receive if you installed a renewable heating system in your home.

The RHI team have also been out in force at national events and across England, Wales and Scotland to answer homeowner, manufacturer, installer, customer and academic’s questions about the scheme. We want to get the message out that renewable heat can be the smart way to take control of energy bills and have a warmer home. This week sees the start of the final round of roadshows promoting the RHI with events in Nottingham, York and Stoke and the following week in Bristol, Exeter and the Eden Project before finishing in Llandudno.