Cautious optimism from fire door experts

Housing Wed, Mar 23, 2016 10:31 AM

New research has revealed that knowledge about the critical role of fire doors and how they can save lives and protect property is gradually being transformed.

The Fire Door Inspection Scheme (FDIS) recently conducted a survey of fire door professionals to see whether understanding was improving after a year in which it had been noted that property owners were more likely than ever to receive large fines or even significant prison sentences through RRO prosecutions.

Almost half of respondents thought that knowledge of fire safety issues has increased over the past year and more than a third thought that property managers’ awareness of their responsibilities under the RRO had increased.

Just below 40% believed that that the role of fire doors was better understood than it had been 12 months ago whilst 31% thought that appreciation of the implications of modifying them had increased.

Respondents said that around only around one in five contractors and installers change fire door specifications, an issue that many have felt has been much more widespread in the past.

FDIS general manager Neil Ashdown says: “Whilst there is still much work to be done, it’s great to see that a great deal of progress has been made in people’s understanding of the vital role of fire doors and how to manage their performance in the event of a fire.”