Aspect to supply FireSafe Posi-Joist

Housing Wed, Mar 23, 2016 10:32 AM

The vastly experienced Timber Engineering Division of Aspect Roofing has received their first FireSafe Posi- joist order.

The Posi-Joist FireSafe system, which combines the use of fire resistant timber chords and Posi-Strut webs with nailed reinforcement, was developed and tested by MiTek Industries to provide contractors with the benefits of an open web joist system on even the most confined urban sites, where the highest fire performance is required for timber frame.

The contract is a major refurbishment being carried out to The Arcadia Group headquarters in central London and requires the FireSafe product.

These works centre around the North and South atriums within the existing building and involve the Posi- joists being hung from new as well as existing steel ring beams. The Joists are being supplied by Aspect Roofing for the fourth, fifth and sixth floors.

The Timber Engineering Division has designed the joists to support a load of 3.5kN/m2 and is supplying PS16 (421mm deep) FireSafe Posi-joist positioned at 300mm centres to accommodate this.