£125m available in Green Deal cash back offer

Housing Wed, Mar 23, 2016 10:25 AM

Hundreds of pounds of cash back will be available to householders in England and Wales who make energy saving home improvements under the Green Deal from January 2013, the Government has announced today.

A total of £125 million is up for grabs so hundreds of thousands of people could qualify. The rates published today are guaranteed for the first £40 million of the scheme. The best offers are available first, so people should act fast once the scheme opens in January because cash back rates may reduce after that. Households quick off the mark could get as much as £1,000 cash back.

Energy Secretary Edward Davey said:

“The Green Deal will provide unprecedented choice for consumers wanting to improve their homes and make them more energy efficient. This cash back offer will help get the Green Deal off to a flying start. It really is a great offer – the more work households have done, the more energy they stand to save and the more cash they receive."

The simple, time-bound offer is limited to one per household, but can cover a package of improvements so long as the householder is contributing to installation costs and work done is overseen by an authorised Green Deal Provider. The key to getting the cash back is to have a Green Deal assessment carried out on your property, then install some or all of the improvements recommended.