95 Wireless Smart 'EE Monitors' For New Housing

Housing Wed, Mar 23, 2016 10:24 AM

Pioneering energy company EnviroEnergy has signed a contract to install 95 new wireless smart monitors in homes managed by asra Housing Group.

The order – worth £30,000 - means the eemonitors will be installed at asra Housing Group's development at Stonebridge Park in St Anns, Nottingham.

The eemonitor allows tenants and householders to monitor their use of heat energy, including cost and the carbon impact of their monitored utilities all from one device. Developed by EnviroEnergy, operators of Nottingham’s district heating scheme, the eemonitor is being installed in more than 2,000 homes across the UK.

The eemonitor helps landlords reduce bad debt by enabling fully automated meter reading and prepayment over a local wireless network. Customers can also use the Pay Point network of retail outlets, or pay online or by telephone. In Nottingham, the company uses its already established local point of sale network. For more information, go to www.eemonitor.co.uk

EnviroEnergy managing director Andrew Estrop said: “We’re delighted that asra Housing Group has become the latest customer for our eemonitor. All the residents on the new development will benefit from being better informed about their energy usage on an up-to-the-minute basis, thanks to the eemonitor; knowledge which can help reduce their carbon impact.”

A spokesman for asra said: “We're delighted to be able to use EnviroEnergy's smart meter – it helps our customers control their energy in an enviromentally friendly way, and keep an eye on their costs at the same time.”

The 18-month scheme comprises 47 two-, three- and four-bedroom houses and 48 one- and two-bedroom apartments across the site which includes Eastham Close, Dennett Close, Magson Close and St Matthias Road. It is part of the redevelopment of the Stonebridge Park Estate by Nottingham City Council and asra. The new development is going ahead with funding from the Homes and Communities Agency.