An introduction to the Topseal GRP systems…

Housing Wed, Mar 23, 2016 10:33 AM

A Topseal roof represents the pinnacle of GRP roofing technology, guaranteed to last a generation, designed to last a life time.

With full BBA certification and up to 30 years materials and workmanship guarantee (with Topseal HD), Topseal is the ultimate, stylish roofing system.

The Topseal roofing system is installed nationwide and has a proven pedigree as a waterproofing material with an expected lifespan of 100 plus years.

A Topseal roof consists of specially formulated Topseal roofing resin and topcoat cold-applied on site with our heavyweight GRP edge trims to create a bespoke, seamless roof to suit the application.

Our vast knowledge and years of experience, along with our choice of high quality materials and trusted installers make us the ideal option for when you replace your flat roofing.

As the UK’s leading GRP (Glass Reinforced Plastic – aka fibreglass) roofing company, we strive to satisfy each and every one of our customers by installing high quality flat roofing that’s also easy on the eye. We will work with you every step of the way to ensure the roofing suits the building it’s going on and if you want something a little different, why not go for a Topseal Green Roof and incorporate nature onto your roof. We can also work easily with gutters, walkways and balconies, which are often seen as challenges by others but not to Topseal approved installers. We also offer simulated lead and copper, which are ideal for keeping the traditional look of your traditional roofing.

Do you need something for large commercial roofs? No problem. There is no job too big for us and we will do our very best to work within your time frames, as we understand time is always of the essence. We also handle plenty of small domestic jobs too, so if you need a new roof on your extension or above your windows, not a problem!

Topseal is widely used for a variety of commercial and industrial applications. Our system is cold applied without the need for heat or flames, and cures within an hour of installation making it much quicker than many other liquid applied systems and coatings.

For technically challenging projects, Topseal is one of the most versatile roofing systems available. The ease of use to encapsulate or incorporate almost any detail has led to it being frequently specified for waterproofing difficult gutters or areas with a high level of complexity including, tanking, lining and gulley’s in any pitch to vertical.

Topseal is BBA approved, has fire retardant properties to BS476 part 3 EXT.F.AA, is available in a range of colour and finish options and is only fitted by our trained and approved installers.

Select the standard Topseal system for a 25 year guarantee or Topseal HD for an extra durable system with a 30 year guarantee.

Book your free or charge survey and quotation today and enjoy peace of mind that you’re getting your flat roofing sorted by the professionals and feel free to browse our website beforehand to get more of an idea about what we offer.

If you have any questions please feel free to get in touch via the contact page on the website or give us a call on 08000 831 09408000 831 094 or visit our website

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