Award winning designers furnish East Village homes

Housing Wed, Mar 23, 2016 10:28 AM

Acclaimed designers Wayne and Gerardine Hemingway (both MBE) are to take charge of furnishing and decorating a number of private rental homes in East Village, formally the London 2012 Athletes' Village.

Get Living London, the residential owner and rental management company, will have 1,439 homes at East Village available for private rental, with over half of the new homes to be offered as furnished.

Central to the design ethos for the Get Living London homes is to use the ‘Best of British’ design and craftsmanship in a celebration of the unique role the London 2012 Games and East Village have played in recent British history.

Wayne Hemingway said: “This is a once in a generation opportunity to help shape a crucial part of the Olympic legacy, providing much needed  new homes for Londoners and ultimately improve people’s lives through well thought out  design.

In addition to addressing the demand for rental properties, East Village fulfils so many aspects of what makes a place liveable. This is the first project on this scale that tackles the major issue of housing in London and still does it with design flair at the heart of the approach. It’s an honour to be part of it.”