Bedroom tax debate continues

Housing Wed, Mar 23, 2016 10:26 AM

Protests continue over the government's proposal to cut benefits for any social housing residents who have a so called unoccupied room.

Shadow pensions secretary Liam Byrne described the policy as a 'cruel and unusual punishment' during a debate in the Commons yesterday.

Tenants who have one spare room can expect to have their benefits cut by 14%. Those affected are likely to lose an average of £14 per week.

Separated parents, carers and the disabled will all be affected despite their reasonable expectation for extra bedrooms.

During yesterday's debate in the Commons, Cameron pledged to  treat individual cases on their own merits.

He said: "Disabled adults will have access to discretionary housing payments scheme and it will remain for local authorities to assess the individual circumstances."

The new policy will affect approximately 660,000 social housing residents.