Bowater sets the precedent for Cheltenham social housing stock

Housing Wed, Mar 23, 2016 10:39 AM

Bowater Projects, a company of The VEKA UK Group has successfully overseen a significant Cheltenham door and window renovation project, totalling nearly 250 units.

The contract was awarded by Cheltenham Borough Homes, a not-for-profit Arms Length Management Organisation. Bowater installed 225 windows and 24 doors, fabricated using Halo's renowned System 10 profile, in a series of three low-rise blocks situated near GCHQ.

Cheltenham Borough Homes, which manages and maintains all of Cheltenham Borough Council's housing stock, plans to roll out a much larger tender later in the year, updating the doors and windows in the remainder of the Council's housing stock.

“This was the first time we had worked with Cheltenham Borough Homes,” explains Bowater Projects' Andy Knight, “so we're thrilled that both the client and residents have been so pleased with the results.

“In our opinion, our position in The VEKA UK Group definitely had a significant bearing on us winning this tender. With such a wealth of industry-leading products at our disposal, combined with an in-depth knowledge of how and where best to use them, the consultation process becomes so much simpler.

“In this instance, the team at Cheltenham Borough Homes were not only concerned about specifying windows and doors that fell within their budget but that also offered a series of specific benefits for their residents – thermal efficiency and accessibility being high on their list of priorities.

“The flats were typical of post-war housing developments and, as such, weren't designed with today's knowledge of access. We worked closely with the client and residents to identify innovative ways to ease access and were provided with a level of detail that clearly informed the range of solutions we suggested.

“Halo's versatile System 10 was an ideal choice of profile for the project, offering quality and performance that could only have been dreamt of when the development was originally built. Its crisp, unobtrusive, chamfered styling met with approval from residents during group consultations and, having undertaken the work between January and March 2015, we're sure they were grateful of the WER 'A'-rating over the cold winter!”

Julian Denslow of Cheltenham Borough Homes commented: “We are very pleased with this contract and, importantly, so are our residents who like their new WER 'A' rated windows. Bowater Projects’ RLO provided an excellent liaison service, their fitters were conscientious and the contract was well managed.”

Andy concludes: “We're pleased to have brought in another notable job for Bowater Projects, on time, in budget, and to the clear satisfaction of both client and residents. It was a pleasure to work closely with the team from Cheltenham Borough Homes and we look forward to our next collaboration with them.”

If you are interested in finding out more about the work of Bowater Projects, please visit the website, here: