Charters Retirement Village holds opening event

Housing Wed, Mar 23, 2016 10:25 AM

Charters Village is currently being developed on Felcourt Road, East Grinstead by Retirement Villages Ltd. The company is now organising an open event at which the first properties will be released for reservation.

The luxury, age-exclusive community will be unveiled over three days, giving those interested in buying a property, local professional people and others in the area the chance to find out more about the company, the concept of retirement villages and Charters Village itself.

A scale model will help put the village in perspective; an exhibition will explain more about the village; and a computer generated DVD will take guests on a virtual fly-through of Charters Village. Directors and staff from Retirement Villages Ltd will be on hand to answer questions.

“Charters Village has been in the planning stage for a long time so we’re delighted to finally be launching it,” said Sales and Marketing Director Sarah Burgess. “This will be the first opportunity to see both the big picture and the small details of the village, the properties and the lifestyle.”

The event is taking place at Yew Lodge, just a few hundred yards further up Felcourt Road, between Thursday, 31st January and Saturday, 2nd February.

“We are aiming to give everyone interested in finding out more about Charters Village the chance to do so,” said Sarah.

Personal appointments are available between midday and 7pm on Thursday; Friday is a day dedicated to professionals, groups and organisations and everyone is welcome to drop in between 10am and 4pm on Saturday.

Charters Village is being developed on the former site of the Bush Davies dance school, a fact recognised in the choice of building names.

Sarah said: “We know how much affection there was for the school in the local area and we hope Charters Village will become just as important a part of the community.”

Once completed the village will comprise 83 privately-owned properties and a residential and nursing centre. The historic Charters Towers, at the centre of the site will become the hub for village life, housing the communal facilities and hosting village events.

For more information about Charters Village, visit the website or call 0845 5211857.