Cutting red tape to build more homes

Housing Wed, Mar 23, 2016 10:28 AM

Red tape which currently restricts housebuilding will be scrapped, according to proposals set out by Communities Mnister Don Forster. This will help free up the industry, support growth and get high quality homes built.

Essential safety rules will not be changed, but a mass of additional and often confusing housing standards are proposed to be reduced from over a 100 to fewer than 10.

Under the changes, more than 1,500 pages of guidance will be reduced to fewer than 80, saving councils and house builders time and money.

Don Foster said: "It’s essential the government plays its part by taking off the bureaucratic handbrake that holds back house building and adds unnecessary cost. I’m proposing to cut needless red tape to let house builders get on with the real job of building the high quality new homes that people need, especially families and first time buyers."

Despite the proposed overhaul, there is no current proposal to make changes to building regulations or planning rules.

Red tape which currently restricts housebuilding will be scrapped, according to proposals set out by Communities Mnister Don Forster. This will help free up the industry, support growth and get high quality homes built.

Essential safety rules will not be changed, but a mass of additional and often confusing housing standards are proposed to be reduced from over a 100 to fewer than 10.

Under the changes, more than 1,500 pages of guidance will be reduced to fewer than 80, saving councils and house builders time and money.

Don Foster said: "It’s essential the government plays its part by taking off the bureaucratic handbrake that holds back house building and adds unnecessary cost. I’m proposing to cut needless red tape to let house builders get on with the real job of building the high quality new homes that people need, especially families and first time buyers."

Despite the proposed overhaul, there is no current proposal to make changes to building regulations or planning rules.