Denne hands over affordable apartments

Housing Wed, Mar 23, 2016 10:26 AM

Denne, part of the Bouygues Construction Group, has completed a £2m contract to deliver 20 apartments for affordable rent in Caterham, Surrey.

The project, on Croydon Road, was the first collaboration between Denne and Guinness South, a member of The Guinness Partnership (one of the largest affordable housing and care providers in the country).

The five storey concrete frame building is cut into the steeply sloping site to provide a lower ground floor rear entrance to the apartments, supported by a king post retaining wall. The building was designed to blend in with the surrounding area, with exterior materials chosen to reflect those used on existing homes in Croydon Road. With solar voltaic panels to provide electricity and sustainable construction methods used throughout, the apartments have achieved Code for Sustainable Homes Level 3.

Nick Brown, Deputy Managing Director of Denne, said: “We are delighted to have successfully delivered our first project with Guinness South. The Croydon Road development is bringing high quality, green and affordable homes to the town.”

Head of Development at Guinness South, David Foden, said: “It is so pleasing that Denne has done such a wonderful job of turning our vision for a further 20 high quality, sustainable homes in Caterham into reality. Importantly, the new homes have also been enthusiastically received by the new residents of Bracken Court. The development required a very creative funding arrangement by Guinness South and was only made possible with a similar level of support, enthusiasm and hard work from our partners Tandridge District Council and The Homes and Communities Agency.”

The new apartment building is the last phase of Guinness South’s development on Croydon Road. The first phase was finished in May 2010: a timber frame building consisting of 12 social rented units at the rear of the site.