Government delays Renewable Heat Incentive scheme

Housing Wed, Mar 23, 2016 10:26 AM

A programme which promised payments to householders who generate their own heating via renewable technology will be postponed until Spring 2014.

Information on the RHI scheme and details as to how it will work are now due to be published in the summer.

To bridge the gap, the government are expected to extend the Renewable Heat Premium Payment scheme which offers discounts off renewable heating appliances.

Kensa Heat Pumps Managing Director, Simon Lomax said:

“Given DECC secured a £864m budget, it is difficult to accept the repeated delays which mean the domestic scheme will only run for a maximum of a year before the next election and more uncertainty. Most of the money will be left unspent which may please the Treasury but will have a devastating impact on renewable heating businesses, many of whom have believed previous DECC pronouncements and invested heavily in readiness for the RHI. The Coalition originally said it would launch in Spring 2011.”