Homelessness charity scores festive donation from builders' merchant

Housing Wed, Mar 23, 2016 10:25 AM

The construction industry's homelessness charity CRASH received a festive boost when builders' merchants Bradfords presented them with a £500 cheque at a trade event.

CRASH was invited to take a free stand at the exhibition run by Bradfords to help raise the charity's profile among construction industry customers and suppliers.

As well as offering mince pies and information packs to customers, CRASH's Martin Meltzer and Emma Brophy rubbed shoulders with former England goalie Peter Shilton who was a special guest at the event.

Bradfords' managing director Dennis Smith presented Emma with a £500 cheque for CRASH at the end of the day.

Emma said: "It was a fantastic chance for us to build awareness of the work we do with the construction industry, refurbishing buildings that offer help and shelter to homeless people across the UK by providing professional expertise, supplying free materials and awarding cash grants. We had a great time and are so grateful for the donation, it will make a huge difference to so many homeless people."

Bradfords' MD Dennis Smith said: "CRASH is an extremely worthy cause and it's one that's close to our hearts as members of the construction industry. We were delighted Emma and Martin could make it to the show and we're happy to be able to help them continue the valuable work they do for so many people in need."

Bradfords' Trade Deal Day saw hundreds of traders from across the South West flock to the Westpoint Arena in Exeter to make the most of exclusive deals from 80+ suppliers to get 2013 off to a strong start.

For more information visit www.bradfords.co.uk or follow @Bradfords_Build on Twitter.