Housing Minister Mark Prisk to speak at Blue Ribbon Awards

Housing Wed, Mar 23, 2016 10:26 AM

Conservative MP Mark Prisk will be touring the Prince’s House and speaking at the famous Blue Ribbon Awards on 20th March 2013, at the Ideal Home Show. The Awards, which have been revived by the Ideal Home Show, will provide a modern-day benchmark for the consumer housing market, to celebrate and acknowledging excellence in building design, sustainability and community development.

In current times of austerity, housing is in short supply, and with a reduction in lending, fewer consumers are able to understand the complexities of the housing market and the best options available to them. As one of the only awards to focus on consumers rather than industry, the Blue Ribbon Awards provides the ideal platform for Mark Prisk, as Housing Minister to address these issues and discuss new schemes to overcome these adversities.

New government schemes such as the ‘Get Britain Building’ fund and the Green Deal aim to provide new opportunities to buyers to get their foot on the ladder and ensure that they are developing a home that is sustainable. Amidst the overwhelming selection of options in the housing market, the high-level benchmark set by the Blue Ribbon Awards will be a crucial guide to existing and potential homeowners looking to take advantage of these schemes.

The Blue Ribbon Awards will also be the Minister’s first opportunity to speak following the budget announcement by George Osborne due to take place earlier in the day on the 20th March.