Important Changes Ahead for Construction Products

Housing Wed, Mar 23, 2016 10:26 AM

The Construction Products Regulation (CPR) will come into force on 1st July 2013, replacing the existing Construction Products Directive (CPD). From this date CE marking of construction products that are covered by a harmonised European standard (hEN) or European Technical Assessment (ETA), and for which a claim of performance is made, will become mandatory.  

The UK exercised its right to opt out from the existing Construction Products Directive (CPD), but cannot opt out from the CPR.

The introduction of the CPR will therefore have significant implications for any person or company manufacturing, importing or supplying construction products, including designers, purchasers, importers, inspection staff, quality managers and project managers.  It will also impact on specifiers and users of products, such as architects, contractors and sub-contractors.

To help industry managers understand the changes and responsibilities of the new regulation, Conformance Limited is running a comprehensive training session on the requirements of the new CPR.  The day-long course is on the 16th May 2013 in Buxton, Derbyshire, and will provide attendees with the information they need to ensure their products meet the new regulation.