Landlords struggle to rehouse tenants hit by bedroom tax

Housing Wed, Mar 23, 2016 10:28 AM

Housing association Home Group has more than doubled the funds it has available to invest in new homes and existing stock.

The social landlord has increased its investment fund to £64.5 million, which will contribute towards plans to deliver 7,000 new units during the next five years.

96 per cent said that despite offering cash incentives and practical help, a lack of available homes remained the biggest barrier for social housing tenants being able to move.

Measures being used by landlords include promoting lodging schemes and relaxing their stance on allowing tenants with rent arrears to transfer or mutually exchange.

The survey also found that 84 per cent of landlords see the direct payment of housing benefit under universal credit as the biggest threat to their rental income.

CIH chief executive Grainia Long said: “This survey shows that housing professionals are working hard to try to mitigate the effects of the bedroom tax on their tenants.

“But there is only so much they can do – as these figures show there are simply not enough smaller homes for all those affected to move into.”