Millions struggle to meet monthly housing payments

Housing Wed, Mar 23, 2016 10:25 AM

Millions of Britons are struggling to pay their rent and mortgages every month.

According to a survey carried out by housing charity Shelter, the number of people who find it difficult to meet their monthly housing payments has risen by 44% over the last year.

Some 4% of mortgage payers have fallen behind with their payments over the last 12 months. This equates to 1.4m people nationally.

The survey found that 7% used an unauthorised overdraft to help pay their rent or mortgage, while 2.5%  had to take out a payday loan.

Campbell Robb, Chief Executive at Shelter said: “Payday loans may seem like a quick fix but the huge interest charges mean things can quickly spiral out of control.

It's shocking to think that so many families will be starting the New Year with a huge weight hanging over them, trapped in a daily struggle to keep their home."