New definition of Fuel Poverty explained

Housing Wed, Mar 23, 2016 10:28 AM

Following an independent review and a consultation a new definition of fuel poverty has been set out to ensure support is targeted at those who need it most.

A household will be defined as ‘fuel poor’ if its:

The decision to adopt a new definition follows positive responses to a consultation launched in September last year and an independent review of the current definition by Professor John Hills of the London School of Economics (LSE), published in March 2012. The current definition of a ‘fuel poor household’ is that a household would need to spend 10% of their income on energy a year.

Ministers have accepted independent expert advice that the current fuel poverty definition distorts our understanding of the problem as, at times, it can capture some rich households while overlooking others that are struggling with their energy costs.

Government has today introduced amendments to the Energy Bill to set a new target for fuel poverty. It is proposed that this will focus on ensuring that fuel poor households attain a certain standard of energy efficiency in their home by defining an average or a minimum standard for energy efficiency for fuel poor households.

Alongside this we have set out how the new definition will help us to shape fuel poverty policies to ensure that support is better targeted at households that need it the most.

Edward Davey, Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change, said:

“I am determined to tackle the scourge of fuel poverty and help hard-pressed consumers across the country.

“In the past, action to tackle fuel poverty has been held back by how the problem has been defined. This made it difficult to deliver help to the people who need it most.

“The new definition, together with the amendment that we are making to the Energy Bill, will ensure a focus on the households that are at the heart of the fuel poverty problem. That’s those with both low incomes and high energy costs.

“Our new strategic framework sets out how we can use this new definition to target our resources in the most effective way.”